
Reference : Desig + img web

from Gen.
See the links website below.
Also some clopped pics zip file is in G-Group under Files :

Marian Bantjets


influence map This is a map or diagram of all of my significant artistic influences to date (or all that I could think of), my styles of working and materials. It was created as an assignment to a design class I took this past summer (August 2006). I’m too pleased with it to let it sit in a drawer.

fader / jerry garcia The Fader magazine asked me to do a diagram of Jerry Garcia’s influences, contemporaries and influenced. Now I’m no Deadhead, and I’m not responsible for the content of this, only the look, so if you’ve got complaints (as I would imagine Garcia fans would), don’t come cryin’ to me.

Silhouette Masterpiece Theatre

Record Envelope
A reference for vinyl geeks and graphic artists. Ms Kavel Rafferty's collection of company sleeves.

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